Blend In is the 3rd game made for my 1 game a week for 1 year challenge !

It's also a submission for the WEEKLY GAME JAM - WEEK 47, the theme being : Thief !

The Rules : It's a 2 player game ! 

One is the sneaky thief that can move with the arrow keys! His goal is to collect loads of gold ! The other plays the policeman who must catch the thief with the mouse cursor ! 

There will be quite a crowd however, so the policeman won't immediately know who is the thief ! He'll have to carefully watch each character's movement, and be careful not to waste time and energy on poor innocent citizens ! 


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Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(8 total ratings)
AuthorBlackthornprod Games
Made withUnity
Tags2D, Fast-Paced, Local multiplayer, noa-calice, Stealth, Unity, weekly-game-jam---week-47
MultiplayerLocal multiplayer
Player countSingleplayer


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Fantastich game. ЫЫЫ


cool game!

Great Game!! The mechanics are really unique!!

I won vs my brother a second time when I went over the giant coin in top left corner and hid behind it.     :) 

This game is fun to play if the you play it so that the person trying to find you has to look away for 10 seconds so that  all the people have rendered in.

also i won vs my brother because you can go off the screen entirely from the bottom left corner.  

Really cute art, love the idea, not sure about the voice-overs.


Fun-looking game, neat art.  I didn't have anyone to take turns playing, but just a couple quick things:
 - The "Outloaw" becomes immediately obvious, once you realize it's the character that's always the lowest z-index
 - The difference in sound levels between the voice-overs and everything else is painfully high

Super cute!