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Amazing game!



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um that playthrough was um questionable 

oh dear I think earth is not too happy

i killed earth


Si este juego sería un objeto real, sería un diamante./If this game were a real object, it would be a diamond.

si se pudiera descargar mejor pero igual esta chilo

i found a bug

It is possible to reach the end screen without destorying all of the trees so the trees stay on the planet even if it dead

yea i did too


place something on those trees


A very creepy planet the entire way through. I really like the game though!

porque si XD


te gustan?


Earth really said :D and then .;;'.D;>:.;.'



i can't download the game


Go industrial or go home.

(1 edit)

Like aww this is cute  to 



I can find you…

(1 edit)


i can....

(1 edit)



I will be your new soccer ball……


I get it


It is a bit disturbing but people really need to try this game and learn something


Yes, but it doesn't change anything because nobody wants to end all technology just to save the planet. Your comment is literally killing the planet, but still you comment, you want to help, you can't.


I get that playing this and ask people to play this game maybe is not helping at all but I think it's kinda rude when you say that my comment is killing the planet (unless the planet in this game).

Some games are developed to give awareness to people so I don't get the point of "it doesn't change anything" when I believe there's still some people who still trying to make the change like the creator of this game.


Oh I did not want to offend. I apologize. What I mean is that to store your comment on the net you have to contaminate and that kills the planet again. I apologize.


Ironically enough as we get more technologically advanced, our machines become more efficient and cause less harm to the environment. 

yes, but not so efficient that it combats the fact we need like 10 more of them lol


I'm really scared

Deleted post



great game! just a little creepy at the end... 


I feel disturbed


I feel like a jerk for finding this funny


heavy handed 


This is a great reprizentation of what would happen if we didnt take care of our planet I love the message! <3


Tears rolling down my ears when I heard the earth screaming and weeping due to all the rich and population in and around it...


Tears roll down your ears?

haha, it's funny put i think he/she meant eyes, i have no idea how you right that wrong or even close to ears but o

such a good game


Wtf was your mode when you made this game man

this laugh in the background xD


really blackthornprod you inspire me to make games. I love your creation and artwork.Anybody by looking on the game says they are boring but they are amazing


this game made me feel like a horrible person good job we all need to understand that this is hapening


This is Efficient i guess


i got high score


My high score is ???, what's yours?


Love this game huge fan


Impressive! It's interesting the the people walking do not change expressions!


Nice Game




The sounds the planet makes are just... disturbing. I guess that's the point. I was actually kinda happy to put it out of its misery. 


idk why but i felt so bad for the planet


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