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Hey can you post a download on here for those of us who wanna play offline?


yay when I played I did a run where I tryed to destroy the earth then bring it back like in this sceneshot


Very nice and short, cute art, i came here from your YT channel, thanks for sharing your passion with us :)

cute art

Show the when earth overpopulated to give nightmares


Love the cool, weird art. Well made

10/10  runs 5 FPS

it wont let me play the game :(


Seriously great work!  This is a good reminder that we all have a duty to protect where we live. 

i loved watching earth slowly die!


Love the art style!

My driver died at the end. Creepy.

I think I found a bug. If you leave land untouched, then when the planet explodes, the untouched foilage stays.


Wow! Not an easy thing to play for sure, soon going on feels really, really wrong. Which is perfect for the topic, so well done! The music+art get equally disturbing but I especially liked the colour changes. As for the art itself, the buildings have a great art style and the animation is lovely too! No wonder it placed so well. :)


i Really like this game. Can you make this for android also.

More over i like the 2d graphics of this game.


Wholly unpleasant from start to finish. I made an account here just to comment about how pointlessly obnoxious every aspect of this game is. 

Even the 'happy' part at the start is annoying and full of repetitive, grating noises. Then the art just gets uglier and uglier, the sounds purposely more unpleasant. The whole "oh no we are killing the planet" moral is so heavy-handed, with so little effort put into it, that it makes me want to go pour oil on wildlife. I get that the game was done in an extremely short time period, but it's ironic that a game about the evils of people killing the planet for their own gain is featured here- In a game where the creators are taking advantage of a serious real world issue for their own gain, while contributing nothing to help and expressing no actual concern for the problem at hand.


"In a game where the creators are taking advantage of a serious real world issue for their own gain,while contributing nothing to help and expressing no actual concern for the problem at hand."

is making a game to share awareness of the problem not helping? And how does he even gain from this,its free (excuse my english its not my first language)


Chill out jeez if you don't like it move along.


at least you commented


Imagine making an account just to comment on how bad a game is, even though it was made in 2 days, yikes man.

Glitch in the game: If you plant there Mills again at the end (or anytime) you can reverse the planet's pollution.


I actually did that to try to save the planet and its people, in case that led to any hidden endings!


Can I embed this on my website?


I will give credit to you

The bug with last building coss misssynced between GUI and Game 10k instead of 7.5, made me laugh a little bit coz I know that feeling :D

Amazing game tho! 


9/10 people became environment activists after playing this game

Not dead yet! Still got my mill! :B

This game was terrifying... make me play it again please XD

Love ur Art style :) It's a really well made game you made with only 48 Hours. When i have learned more about scripting C# I am gonna join LD43 or 44 :)

The last building says that it requires 7500 points but I built it only by having over 10000 points. Couldn't choose to place it before. Is it a known bug?

i had the same problem


10 outta 10 would industrilize the world over again

The minimum world of all one building is the second highest, from there you can build a single tower and you'd have reached maximum capacity.

this is terrifying! thank you!

Nice, short and sweet game.

Had fun.

I love that it says The End instead of Game Over the same way missile command did it.

Wait... did I win, it said the end?! Love the game!


Lesson learnt to keep the planet alive just replace everything with windmills

Hmm apparently the planet exploded with too much sulfur and gas! :)


I beat the game. I now feel awful.

Great concept and I enjoyed the story being told.

ME too :(


yea, it was a little to political. i would have liked it if there was a way in which you can help the planet, like having the option to delete stuff, etc. but i enjoyed the graphics and it was kinda fun i guess

A game with an interesting Hidden meaning!

Great game i love the art style of this and the simplistic feel of the game. It's nice and short and sweet. There is a bit of a creepy feel to this game and is awesome overall great game.


very good game 


You're supposed to make games for people to have fun, not to make a political statement.


Just because you're not smart enough to believe in climate change, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. 

Deleted 6 years ago

You aren't his boss! Don't like it? Don't play it!


No but he is entitled to his opinion, and the ability to voice it.


Opinions don't start with "You're supposed to...". Opinions start with "I prefer..." or "I might enjoy it more if...", or similar.

Deleted 1 year ago


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